Monday, May 19, 2014

Islamic hate Crime Graph

           Hi my name is Tanya. This blog is an assignment from my English 101. I was given a graph called "Anti-Islamic Hate Crime Incidents 1995-2008". This graph shows the amount of hate crimes for each year between 1995 and 2008. In the years 1995 to 2000 the amount of hate crimes was a range from 21 to 52. In the year 2001 the amount of Anti-Islamic hates crimes was 481 making it the highest on the chart. From 2002 to 2008 the amount decreased. It ranged from 155 to 105.  This graph shows how significant the events of 9/11 were to the Islamic people. After 9/11 many people labeled Muslims as terrorist because the people responsible for the attack were from the Middle East. This graph is important because it proves that anybody can be attacked and discriminated based on their religion or culture after on event.  If it was an African American who attacked the twin towers the whole African American race would be labeled as terrorist. The same thing is true for Caucasians.  I think this should concern everyone. No race or culture is safe from the possibility of being labeled a terrorist or an enemy of the United States. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

"culture ignorance"

             Hi my name is Tanya. I am reading a book called Zeitoun in my English 101 class. The author of the book is Dave Eggers and he writes about a Muslim man who lives through the events of hurricane Katrina. In the book the main character, Zeitoun, is capture and placed in prison with out being told the reason. In  the story culture ignorance is shown. Dave Eggers writes "moments later, another passing solider looked at Zeitoun and muttered Taliban" (Eggers 213). Zeitoun was called a Taliban because of his culture. If he was Caucasian man he wouldn't be called a Taliban. It would be the same if he was an African American. because Zeitoun appearance tells you his culture the soldiers associate him with Taliban's, Terrorist, and Al Qaeda. The term culture ignorance is associating every one with the same culture with the most talked about scenarios. Hurricane Katrina happened shortly after 9/1. This plays a huge part in why Zeitoun was arrested. it had nothing to do with the fact that he was suspected of looting. it was because he was Muslim and from the middle east.

Monday, May 5, 2014


          Hi my name is Tanya and i'm writing this blog for my English 101 class. We are reading a book called "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers. this story takes place in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. The main character made the decision to not evacuate with his family after hearing that the hurricane was a category 5 storm. in the beginning  Zeitoun appeared stubborn and ignorant to the idea of the storm having any effect on the city. I believe that ignorance is what made him stay in New Orleans and watch his family leave him behind. Zeitoun learned that the storm was powerful enough to ruin his home, community and keep him away from his family. when Zeitoun was faced with the reality and danger of the storm he immediately began to help people. "he had never felt such urgency and purpose" (Eggers 116). this shows that Zeitoun has found himself in the actions of helping people. i believe that Zeitoun only showed ignorance because he wasn't sure on what his reason was for staying. Zeitoun could have left and met his family when he noticed  notice that the storm was powerful. Instead he choose to stay and help people all while honoring his brother.