Monday, May 5, 2014


          Hi my name is Tanya and i'm writing this blog for my English 101 class. We are reading a book called "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers. this story takes place in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. The main character made the decision to not evacuate with his family after hearing that the hurricane was a category 5 storm. in the beginning  Zeitoun appeared stubborn and ignorant to the idea of the storm having any effect on the city. I believe that ignorance is what made him stay in New Orleans and watch his family leave him behind. Zeitoun learned that the storm was powerful enough to ruin his home, community and keep him away from his family. when Zeitoun was faced with the reality and danger of the storm he immediately began to help people. "he had never felt such urgency and purpose" (Eggers 116). this shows that Zeitoun has found himself in the actions of helping people. i believe that Zeitoun only showed ignorance because he wasn't sure on what his reason was for staying. Zeitoun could have left and met his family when he noticed  notice that the storm was powerful. Instead he choose to stay and help people all while honoring his brother.  

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