Monday, May 19, 2014

Islamic hate Crime Graph

           Hi my name is Tanya. This blog is an assignment from my English 101. I was given a graph called "Anti-Islamic Hate Crime Incidents 1995-2008". This graph shows the amount of hate crimes for each year between 1995 and 2008. In the years 1995 to 2000 the amount of hate crimes was a range from 21 to 52. In the year 2001 the amount of Anti-Islamic hates crimes was 481 making it the highest on the chart. From 2002 to 2008 the amount decreased. It ranged from 155 to 105.  This graph shows how significant the events of 9/11 were to the Islamic people. After 9/11 many people labeled Muslims as terrorist because the people responsible for the attack were from the Middle East. This graph is important because it proves that anybody can be attacked and discriminated based on their religion or culture after on event.  If it was an African American who attacked the twin towers the whole African American race would be labeled as terrorist. The same thing is true for Caucasians.  I think this should concern everyone. No race or culture is safe from the possibility of being labeled a terrorist or an enemy of the United States. 

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