Monday, March 31, 2014

Sandy storyline

I am writing this blog on two sandy storyline videos. This is an assignment from my English101 class. The assignment is to watch two vedios and summarize it using quotes from the video. 

         Sheapshead bay, Brooklyn is one of the many places affected by Hurricane Sandy. In the video " A Current on Shore Parkway" Joe Lombardi was interviewed about his experience from Hurricane Sandy. Joe Lombardi owns a house in sheepshead bay that was destroyed from the hurricane. Joe and his family did not evacuate and we're forced to leave there homes in the middle of the night due to flooding and power outage in there homes. Joe, his brother, mother, wife and two kids walked a long distance in water that was high enough to almost reach the wife and mother necks. The water in the street had currents. Joe says " to walk away alive, unstaind, and health wise fine; were the lucky ones" (Joe Lombardi). There are so many people who died, people who have developed life threatening illness and people who were serverly injured during hurricane sandy. If you were still psychically in tacked after the hurricane u are considered lucky in joe eyes. Joe mentioned how he thinks more hurricanes like this will come because of global warming and I agree. Climate change will cause sea levels to rise. It will cause natural disasters if not watched closely and maintained. More families like joe's will have these challenging experiences. 

          Home onwers have no choice but to continue to pay there mortage and find ways to rebuild there homes after hurricane sandy. In the video "The Time in Between" Debbie Tunner was interviewed a spoke about her efforts to rebuild and fix the home she's lived in for 7 years after Hurricane Sandy destroyed it. Debbie turnner like joe family did not evacuate. Debbie was 8 months pregnant when the storm hit. Her daughter Ayla who was 7 at the time said she could have drowned in her room. They all survived the storm and moved into a rental while they wait for the government and insurance company to give her money to started fixing her home. Debbie feels that she can't give up on her house because she will be in dept. she wouldn't be able to buy a care and she can't walk away from her responsibilities. She has gotten all her paper work done for her house to be approved for rebuilding and paper work to recieve 10,000 dollars that would go into her home, but it was all lost. So it all had to be done all over again. Debbie says " it's just a waiting game" (Debbie's Tunner). The government and insurance campanies are not working diligently on getting families back in there homes. Debbie says it would talke at least a year for her to be back in her home. The government and other companies that will economically be affected by climate change are not prepared. Nore are they ready for the responsibility of insuring families homes and safety. 

1 comment:

  1. In your blog you talk about how many people died and developed life threatening illness. I didn’t sense any proof of that from your writing. Does Joe talk about this and did he or any members of his family develop any of the illness that you are talking about? I also don’t see the keyword in response to the Sandy Storyline? In your second blog on "The Time in Between" I think for this too you don’t have a keyword and also I feel like you are just writing the story as you hear it. Debbie says this Debbie says that, I feel you didn’t introduce the stories with New York City’s respond to hurricane sandy. You need to rewrite it with a respond like “New York Respond to Hurricane Sandy was successful because this and then introduce the story or New York’s Respond to Hurricane Sandy was unsuccessful because…..and then introduce the story talk about the quote that you choose, put the quote and paraphrase it.
