Monday, March 17, 2014

New York Times article

          Hi, my name is Tanya and this blog is about a New York Times article called "New York is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn. This article is about how important a it is for New York City to start planning for the worst of climate change. Mireya Navarro says " instead of planning to be flooded as he puts it, city, state, and federal agencies should be investing in protection..." New York City should start taking actions now that would help or minomize damage that will be done due to the climate change. The article says that nearly 200,000 New Yorkers are living less than four feet above high tide. These are people that will lose there homes if the prediction of New York City getting flooded is true. This article states the New York City transit are unprepared and people feel that the climate change is not a matter of evacuating but it is a matter of preventing. The shows various reason why New York City government officials have not taken proper actions to save the city.

          Baka, Mexico commented " that has nothing to do wit the fact that we mankind are influencing the climate with greenhouse gasses, and at least partially causing the current warming deny is ignorance." This comment stode out to me beacuase I agree. There are many people who knows what's happening to the globe and chose to look away. People think that it's all suspicion. I feel we have enough evidence that's proves this right and as a collective group we need to try and stop it. The government needs to put together plans that will protect New York City and the world.

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