Monday, March 10, 2014

The Climate Casino

William D. Nordhuas says in The Climate Casino " discussion of global warming usually begins with the emissions and accumulation of co2...however, the real starting point is with human and their daily lives" (chapter 3, page 33).  Humans in the 21st century follow daily routines that produce co2 into the atmosphere that adds to global warming. many technology that are used to get to and from school, work, hospitals, etc produces co2. Traveling in New York city harms the global. This makes me think how can going to school harm my future and others or is industrialization the cause of global warming? Technology that were created to advance our culture and future seems to be destroying it.   

Changing how much fossil fuels we used seems almost impossible. Almost all Technology we use is run on fossil fuel. 90 percent of the energy we used comes from burning fossil fuel. In order to change this fact we would have to spend more money. Money that we do not have. We would have to change our daily lives. Maybe ride a bike to work instead of driving. After reading chapter 3 I realized how much i'm contributing to global warming.  

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