Monday, March 17, 2014

The climate casino graph

    Hello, my name is Tanya and this blog if for my English 101 class. It will be about a graph shown in the book " The Climate Casino".In the climate casino figure 2 on page 92 shows a global effect of co2 emission. The graph shows that co2 emissions have gown up from 1900s to the 2000s. The trend is 2.6% per year. The blue line on the graph shows the actual growth of co2. This graph is important because it gives the reader a visual view on how much co2 we are throwing into the atmosphere. It also shows that the growth hasn't been steady. The blue shows that at times the co2 emission inclined and declined. This graph also shows that we humans haven't been doing much to slowing the rapid growth of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

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